White Russian
1 oz
The 'original' coffee liqueur made in Mexico with rum, sugar, vanilla and Arabica coffee; 20% ABV.
2 oz
A distilled beverage composed primarily of water and ethanol, sometimes with traces of impurities and flavorings. It can be made from grain, potatoes, rice, beans, beets, fruit or even wood; 40% ABV.
1 oz
The butterfat layer skimmed from the top of milk before homogenization, contains more than 35% milk fat. Also called single/double cream and whipping cream, although these may also add thickening agents making them less useful for mixing in cocktails. This is used as a foaming agent and for fat-washing in cocktails.
Pour coffee liqueur and vodka into an Old Fashioned glass filled with ice. Float fresh cream on top and stir gently. #build #ontherocks
Yeah, well you know, that's just like, your opinion man.