Tequila Sunrise
1.5 oz
A type of mezcal distilled exclusively from the blue agave plant, primarily around Tequila, Mexico.
3 oz
A citrus juice used in many cocktails, both for its sweet and tart taste and its color. Orange juice, unlike lemon and lime, can be kept fresh for days. In a blind taste test, most people liked day-old orange juice.
0.5 oz
A commonly used syrup made from pomegranate juice, characterized by a flavour that is both tart and sweet, and by a deep red colour. Coming from the French spelling of pomegranate, 'grenade.' To make it yourself (don't buy it premade) combine 100% pomegranate juice (like the Pom Wonderful brand) with equal parts sugar by mass. We always use 1:1 syrup unless otherwise noted in the recipe itself.
1 wheel
An orange colored citrus fruit. Many types of orange make an appearance in cocktails. The peel and juice are equally valuable to diverse cocktails.
In cocktails, cherries are sweetened in a brine, like maraschino cherries (marr-ə-SKEE-noh) or in brandy, like brandied cherries. They are usually used as a garnish, muddled into the cocktail, or used simple for their sweetened brine.
Pour the tequila and orange juice into a glass over ice. Add the grenadine, which will sink to the bottom. Stir gently to create the sunrise effect. Garnish with an orange slice and a cherry. #build #ontherocks
The original Tequila Sunrise contained tequila, Crème de cassis, lime juice and soda water and was served at the Arizona Baltimore Hotel in the 1930s. The now more common version (seen here) was created in the 1970s at a private party to kick off the Rolling Stones’ 1972 tour. Mick Jagger liked it so much he started ordering it across the country, there by forever changing the ‘original’ drink. Their tour was dubbed the “cocaine and tequila sunrise tour.”