Classic 1:1:1
1 oz
An Italian bitter aperitif made infusing herbs and fruits in alcohol and water. ABV ranges from 10% to 29% based on country.
1 oz
Also known as Vermouth di Torino, Italian vermouth, rosso and red vermouth; these vermouth have been sweetened with cane sugar or caramelized sugar, usually giving the vermouth 10-15% sugar and a slightly reddish brown color.
1 oz
A spirit whose flavor profile revolves around juniper berries. Originally from the Middles Ages, modern gin is a derivative of the Dutch drink jenever (genever). You can make a home-made gin by simply infusing vodka. There are a large number of recipes online.
1 peel
An orange colored citrus fruit. Many types of orange make an appearance in cocktails. The peel and juice are equally valuable to diverse cocktails.
1 peel
A hybrid citrus fruit originating in Barbados as an accidental cross between two introduced species, sweet orange and pomelo. Like other citrus fruits the grapefruit is popular among cocktails for its peel and juice.
Combine the ingredients over a big ice rock in an old fashioned glass, stir, and serve with an orange or grapefruit peel. Optional: flame the peel. #build #ontherocks
The Negroni sbagliato is made in the same way as the Negroni, but replacing the gin with sparkling white wine, or Prosecco.