Martini, Dirty
2 oz
A spirit whose flavor profile revolves around juniper berries. Originally from the Middles Ages, modern gin is a derivative of the Dutch drink jenever (genever). You can make a home-made gin by simply infusing vodka. There are a large number of recipes online.
0.25 oz
Also refered to as French vermouth, these are (usually) colorless vermouths that have not been sweetened, containing less than 4% sugar.
1 dash
Considered to be the brine left over from pickling olives. Used most commonly in the Martini, with the addition of said to be 'dirty.' It has a salty and vinegary flavor.
Known for the Martini, the cocktail olive is the fruit of the olive tree, pickled is a salty brine. This may or may not be stuffed with pimento (red bell pepper).
Pour all ingredients into a mixing glass with ice. Stir well, then strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with an olive. #stir #straight