Shake all ingredients with ice then strain into a coupe. Garnish with a cherry. The IBA recipe once omitted crème de violette, likely following the recipe in the 1930's Savoy Cocktail Book, however since 2020 IBA includes it. #shake #straight
Revised 2021 The Aviation was created by Hugo Ensslin, head bartender at the Hotel Wallick in New York, in the early twentieth century. The first published recipe for the drink appeared in Ensslin's 1916 Recipes for Mixed Drinks. Ensslin's recipe called for 1½ oz. El Bart gin, ¾ oz. lemon juice, 2 dashes maraschino liqueur, and 2 dashes crème de violette, a violet liqueur which gives the cocktail a pale purple color. Omitting the cherry liquor changes the drink into a blue moon which is a grey color. - Wikipedia